How to Find Company and Employees Email Addresses Using Clearbit Connect?

How to find email addresses using Clearbit Connect?

Clearbit is a powerful sales tool for businesses, similar to Reply. It also has a Chrome extension that helps users find B2B emails for contacting specific companies. Clearbit is also a powerful B2B tool for finding anyone's email address within seconds, improving their records, revealing buying intent, and connecting with promising customers. This tool is one of the best tools for startups who are looking for public data from the web, and proprietary data. It also offers the power of LLMs to convert unstructured information into precise and standardized data sets. Clearbit offers clean, accurate, and reliable data for businesses, which makes it ideal for sales and marketing teams.

Now, we know what Clearbit actually is. It is time to know how to use Clearbit and how to find any email address with Clearbit Connect. So, let's get started.

How to Find Any Email Address with Clearbit Connect?

Here's how to find email addresses with Clearbit Connect:

1. Install the Chrome Extension:

Open Clearbit Connect on Chrome Web Store. Click "Add to Chrome" and install the extension.

2. Connect Your Gmail Account:

After installing the Chrome extension, you'll see the Clearbit Connect icon in the Chrome toolbar. Then sign in to your Google account to give Clearbit access to your Gmail.

3. Find Email Addresses:

Via Company Websites:

Fetching email addresses from a company's website is quite easy for Clearbit Connect. Simply visit the company's website, and click the Clearbit icon from your Chrome toolbar. Finally, a box will appear with all company details and a list of people who work there. Click on any person's name to see their email address.

4. Use Credits Wisely:

Clearbit offers 100 free email lookups per month. So, make a plan first and also track your credit usage inside Clearbit's extension settings.

Amazing Features of Clearbit Connect

Not just fetching email addresses, Clearbit Connect has several features that help you get into its top insights. Let's see Clearbit Connect's key features one by one:

1. Clearbit Connect has 30 million+ B2B contacts in their databases for global coverage over the US, APAC, and EMEA.

2. It offers 100 free email lookup credits per month with the option to upgrade the plan.

3. Along with email lookups, Clearbit Connect also offers real-time insights of companies, including the number of employees, offices, industry, technology stack, funding data, etc.

4. You can also match various customer profiles to get the right lead.

5. Clearbit Connect offers integrations with popular CRM and marketing platforms, such as Hubspot, Marketo, and Pardot.

6. Additionally, it offers online assistance with its blog posts, guides, and webinars.

7. Clearbit Connect is best suitable for B2B businesses for attracting qualified leads. Thus, it may not be effective for personal contacts.

Next Read: How to Verify Email Addresses with Clearbit Connect?

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